Re: Filtering 3d Data

I am forwarding these replies from "f f" to the list for the


Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 23:29:28 +0000
From: f f <gray_java@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Filtering 3d Data

i guess i was sort of ambiguous...  there's w,x,y and z. x,y,z
defining the place and w defining a color.  what i would like to have
is a way to make it drop colors above/below limits.  as in, for those
points not to be rendered at all in the display. when you set the
color range lower it just renders everything above that the same

Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 23:49:46 +0000
From: f f <gray_java@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Filtering 3d Data

actually i'm wrong. that does kind of work.  now i just have to figure
out how to select non-contiguous sections of data to render.

Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 23:56:13 +0000
From: f f <gray_java@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Filtering 3d Data

ah all working right. thanks.

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Eng. Center
ph:  608.262.2759

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