The Y Axis title is written to close to the axis, so when my axis has its tick marks labeled, the title & tick labels are unreadable because the tick labels and axis titles overlap each other. Is there a way to move the axis title or can the visAD code that places the label, be fixed so that it calculates the distance from the Y-Axis to include the Tick labels, so that no matter if you have a small tick label value or large values, the title is adjusted to account for that. It's been a subject among the users of my application, because they cannot make their graphs presentable to be put in viewgraphs for their briefings. I asked this question about six month ago and found and answer in the archives, but it does not seem to really help me with my problem. I thought there was another response, but can not find it in the list on line. And also maybe this has been fixed in a new version of visAD, but I have the latest and did not see it fixed. Luke
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