Hi Renaud,
We've implemented some "resolution switching" logic that enables
a display to automatically downgrade its displayed data when
the user is actively manipulating it. When the display sits idle
for a second or two, the full-resolution version of the data gets
swapped back in.
Run "java visad.util.ResSwitcher data" where "data" is the name
of a data file you'd like to see displayed.
See visad/util/ResSwitcher.java's main() method to see how to
link a ResSwitcher object to your display. I'm curious to hear
how well it improves performance of your large 3-D cloud data.
At 03:05 AM 4/23/2002, you wrote:
>I'm displaying a cloud through a 3D display:
>something like ( index -> (x,y,z,color) ) in Visad notation.
>When you have more than 20000 vertices displayed , operations like rescaling
>an axis are very slow. To deal with this issue, I had the idea to mask some
>vertices. For example, with 50000 vertices, I would temporarily (during the
>rescaling operation) display only 1 out of 4 vertices. Does someone know an
>efficient way to do that, i.e. without removing the reference data, and
>creating a new one with only 12500 vertices ?
>Thanks by advance.
>Renaud DAÏAN