In Jython I managed to make a white background, but now I do not
know where to flip the axis color to black.
In the following there is reference to the axis, but I guess I am still
searching for the documentation as I do not know where the doc is for
showAxesScales(disp, 1)
setAxesScalesFont(axes, Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 18))
There might be some reference there to the axis color
def lineplot(data, panel=None, color=None, width=400, height=400,
title="Line Plot"):
domt = domainType(data)
rngt = rangeType(data)
xaxis = ScalarMap(domt[0], Display.XAxis)
yaxis = ScalarMap(rngt, Display.YAxis)
axes = (xaxis, yaxis)
disp = subs.makeDisplay( axes )
constmap = None
if color is not None:
from visad import ConstantMap
from java.awt import Color
red = float(color.getRed())/255.
green = float(color.getGreen())/255.
blue = float(color.getBlue())/255.
constmap = ( ConstantMap(red,Display.Red),
ConstantMap(blue,Display.Blue) )
dr=subs.addData("Lineplot", data, disp, constmap)
subs.setBoxSize(disp, .70)
showAxesScales(disp, 1)
setAxesScalesFont(axes, Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 18))
subs.setAspectRatio(disp, float(width)/float(height))
return disp
G. Garrett Campbell Ph. D.
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO, USA
970 491 8497