Hi Matt,
> I have a scalar mapping of value->Display.IsoContour and together with a
> ContourWidget it gives a nice isosurface in the display. What I was
> wondering was how can add another IsoSurface with a lower alpha value
> (on just the second surface) using the same values from the data set
> (rather than making a duplicate set and creating new scalar mappings)?
> Is this possible?
The eaiest way to do this is to modify the MathType of your data
to something like ((x, y, z) -> (value, value2)), with a ScalarMap
of value2->IsoContour. Set the 2nd iso-level in the ContourControl
for the ScalarMap from 'value2'. It won't require any more memory
for the FlatField, since you can do:
float[] values = ... // values for 'value' RealType
// repeat same values for 'value' and 'value2'
float[][] field_values = {values, values};
field.setSamples(field_values, false); // 'false' for don't copy
Good luck,