Hi Bill,
Thanks for the pointer. I did try the method that you suggested of using
IsoContour to get a single iso-line to represent the intersection of a 3D
surface and a plane. However, iso-line doesn't seem to properly capture the
cross-section. For example, when I tried to cut a sphere with a plane having
a normal vector of <0,1,0>, the iso-line at times showed a distorted diamond
and other times nothing at all depending on the position of the plane along
the y-axis. Initially I thought this was occurring because we are setting the
base contour = d (from ax+by+cz=d and in my case the equation reduces to y =
d), only a few points computed from domain Set of the manifold dimension=2
Gridded3Dset can actually be used for the contour. In other words, maybe the
plane wasn't "catching" the points I have used for the 3D shape.
So the next thing I tried was to generate my shape with the Gridded3DSet by
moving along the y-axis. I would create the sphere by drawing circles as I
move up the y-axis incrementally. Now, in theory if I set the base contour
equal to one of the y increment that I used to construct sphere, the iso-line
should be a circle, but the same problem described above persisted.
I am not sure where the problem might be or maybe I didn't code it properly.
I have included the piece of code in case you would like to take a look.
Thanks in advance for any comments.
float a = 0.f;
float b = 1.f;
float c = 0.f;
if (p == null) p = new RealType("plane", null, null);
FunctionType pfunction = new FunctionType(xyz, p);
FlatField fplane = new FlatField(pfunction, set);
float[][] set_samples = set.getSamples(true); //getting domain samples
from the 3D shape.
float[][] p_samples = new float[1][Mfold[0]*Mfold[1]];
//Computing ax+by+cz = d
for(int i=0;i<p_samples[0].length;i++)
p_samples[0][i] =
display2D = new DisplayImplJ2D("display1");
// Get display's graphics mode control and draw scales
GraphicsModeControl dispGMC = (GraphicsModeControl)
ScalarMap tempzMap = new ScalarMap( z, Display.YAxis );
ScalarMap tempxMap = new ScalarMap( x, Display.XAxis );
ScalarMap tempIsoMap = new ScalarMap( p, Display.IsoContour );
ScalarMap tempRGBMap = new ScalarMap( p, Display.RGB );
// Add maps to display
display2D.addMap( tempzMap );
display2D.addMap( tempxMap );
display2D.addMap( tempIsoMap );
display2D.addMap( tempRGBMap );
// The ContourControl
// Note that we get the control from the IsoContour map
ContourControl isoControl = (ContourControl) tempIsoMap.getControl();
// Define some parameters for contour lines
float interval = 100.f; // interval between lines
float lowValue = -100.f; // lowest value
float highValue = 100.f; // highest value
float base = p_samples[0][400]; // starting at this base value
System.out.println("base = "+base);
System.out.println("set_samples = "+set_samples[1][400]); //the y values
of the 3D shape.
//the above lines give the same value.
// ...and set the lines with the method
isoControl.setContourInterval(interval, lowValue, highValue, base);
// Create a data reference and set the FlatField as our data
DataReference p_ref = new DataReferenceImpl("p_ref");
p_ref.setData( fplane );
// Add reference to display
display2D.addReference( p_ref );
>===== Original Message From Bill Hibbard <billh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ====
>Hi John,
>VisAD doesn't currently include operations for computing
>the intersections of surfaces and planes in 3-D. However,
>you might hack it as follows. Your plance can be defined by:
> ax + by + cz = d
>So define a FlatField with MathType:
> ((x, y, z) -> plane)
>and with your mainfold dimension = 2 Gridded3DSet as its
>domain Set. Compute the 'plane' value at each sample
>location as:
> ax + by + cz
>Then create the ScalarMap plane -> IsoContour and set the
>base contour = d (with a very large contour interval so you
>only get one contour curve). That is, the IsoContour will
>be a set of iso-lines on the surface (not an iso-surface),
>but you only want one iso-line.
>Good luck,