Dear Adele,
On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Adele Cutler wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
To send to everyone you need to send to visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
rather than owner-visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
> I'd like to create an application to:
> 1. read data from several text files
> 2. do a scatter-diagram in one window (I'll settle for 2D, but 3D would
> ultimately be nice)
One nice feature of VisAD is that 3-D is as easy as 2-D (or is
it that 2-D is as difficult as 3-D?).
> 3. allow the user to select data points using something like the
> RubberBandBoxRenderer (or ultimately CurveManipulationRenderer)
> and
> pass these points to another plot (initially, a parallel
> coordinate plot,
> but later I'll need to modify this to do something more
> creative)
You'll need a CellImpl triggered by changes from the
RubberBandBoxRendererJ3D of the CurveManipulationRendererJ3D,
which then computes which data points are selected and uses
then to construct a new Data object linked to other Displays.
> 4. allow the user to select which variables go on the axes of the plots
> 5. allow the user to color points according to some variable
These fit nicely with the Mapping widget in the SpreadSheet,
also used for some Displays in Python.
> After exploring the tutorial, the MiniSheet, and the SpreadSheet, it seemed
> like SpreadSheet
> might be the best place to start. I can do all except step 3 already, but 3
> is a big one.
> Bill wrote a parallel coordinate plot when I asked about that several months
> ago (THANKS!)
> but I'm not sure how to implement this inside SpreadSheet. Seems I'll have
> to tinker with
> the code to do step 3 anyway, so I'm working through the tutorial, but it
> seems like a big
> leap from that to the SpreadSheet, and SpreadSheet seems to do a lot of
> things I don't
> need (the remote/collaboration part, and most of the mappings).
> I've done some java before, but this will be my first VisAD project (I'm a
> statistician).
> Does anyone have any suggestions on whether I would be better off
> -starting my own application from scratch (following the tutorial)
This is what I'd do, but . . .
> -modifying SpreadSheet
. . . perhaps Curtis, the author of the SpreadSheet can
enlighten us with an easy way to use it for your task.
> -using Python (am I likely to run into limitations here?)
. . . and perhaps Tom can enlighten us on whether this would be easy.