I am currently dealing with the problem of generating 3D shapes from an
"unknown" (in terms of values) set of data. Please allow me to explain:
1. I would like to sample the all of the points in a sphere that is
generated by a method shown in a pic at the very bottom of the following
webpage: http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/modelling/sphere.
2. Each of the sampled points will be used to compute a value.
3. These values will be used to form a new surface
(shape). Unfortunately, we cannot anticipate the geometry of this shape.
How should I go about generating this initially unknown geometry? I was
thinking of feeding the computed values into the Irregular3DSet and somehow
use the Delaunay functions, but really I don't have any idea of how these
two things work? Can someone give me some pointers?
Thanks very much,
john yao