On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Olav Rybatzki wrote:
> I have a problem with the DelaunayCustom. The data I get are
> unstructured with a connectivity list of 8 points per node (a hexahedron).
> 7-------------6
> . | . |
> 4 | 5 |
> | | | |
> | | | |
> | 3---------|---2
> | . | .
> 0--------------1
> To get my data into the DelaunayCustom I split the hexahedron into 5
> tetrahedron. The 5 tetrahedrons have the following points,
> tetra_1 (0,5,7,4)
> tetra_2 (0,5,7,2)
> tetra_3 (0,2,5,1)
> tetra_4 (0,2,7,3)
> tetra_5 (7,5,2,6)
> Now when I create the DelaunayCustom with the new connectivity list I
> get the following exception
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
> at visad.Delaunay.finish_triang(Delaunay.java:510)
> at visad.DelaunayCustom.<init>(DelaunayCustom.java:115)
> at visad.DelaunayCustom.<init>(DelaunayCustom.java:43)
Thanks for the stack dump, but I cannot determine the
problem from it. Can you send me a simple program that
generates this Exception?
Thanks, Bill