Re: visAD with windows


I've only looked at the Java3D for DirectX, since I use OpenGL on

If no one else knows the answer and you want to do a quick check of the
OpenGL version, you can get the auto-installer (which have Java, Java3D
(OpenGL), visad.jar and jython.jar) and install that & test with it
(there are a couple of batch files in the install directory that'll
illustrate the start-up).

You can use the 'normal' Windows uninstall to get rid of it when you're
done testing.


On 26 Jul 2002, Mike Charters wrote:

> i am having trouble getting my visAD program to work with windows.
> it runs and displays fine with linux, but when i copy it over to a
> windows machine and run it i get this error:
> <snip>
> ************************************************************************
> *** ERROR: Canvas3D constructed with a null GraphicsConfiguration
> *** This will cause a NullPointerException in a subsequent release
> ************************************************************************
> java.lang.NullPointerException: Canvas3D: null GraphicsConfiguration
>         at<init>(
>         at<init>(
>         at visad.java3d.VisADCanvasJ3D.<init>(
>         at graph3d.graph3d$MyVisADCanvasJ3D.<init>(
>         at graph3d.graph3d.display(
>         at LS1a_020725.GUIModel.showLandscape(Unknown Source)
>         at LS1a_020725.GUIModel.step(Unknown Source)
>         at BAB_SYNTH_1.execute(Unknown Source)
>         at
> uchicago.src.sim.engine.ActionGroup.execute(
>         at
> uchicago.src.sim.engine.ActionGroup.execute(
>         at uchicago.src.sim.engine.Schedule.execute(
> </snip>
> this error comes when I create a MyVisADCanvasJ3D (which extends
> VisADCanvasJ3D).  When I create I simply do:
> <snip>
>         DisplayRendererJ3D dr = new DefaultDisplayRendererJ3D();
>         VisADCanvasJ3D mycanvas = new MyVisADCanvasJ3D(dr);
> </snip>
> and in the MyVisADCanvasJ3D constructor I do:
> <snip>
>     public MyVisADCanvasJ3D(DisplayRendererJ3D dr)
>     {
>       super(dr);
>     }
> </snip>
> I looked through the VisAD code and it looks like my default
> GraphicsConfiguration is not being created.  The default graphics
> configuration is generated in VisADCanvasJ3D if you do not specify one
> in the constructor.  The code to do this is:
> <snip>
>   private static GraphicsConfiguration makeConfig() {
>     GraphicsEnvironment e
> GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
>     GraphicsDevice d = e.getDefaultScreenDevice();
>     // GraphicsConfiguration c = d.getDefaultConfiguration();
>     GraphicsConfigTemplate3D gct3d = new GraphicsConfigTemplate3D();
>     GraphicsConfiguration c
> gct3d.getBestConfiguration(d.getConfigurations());
>     return c;
>   }
> </snip>
> so I assume I probably don't have something set up correctly ... so this
> code is returning a null GraphicsConfiguration because it cannot detect
> the GraphicsConfiguration?
> I ran this "direct x diagnostic" program and i know direct3d 8.0 works
> if that means anything.
> Anyone have any ideas what is wrong here?
> Thanks,
> -Mike

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Telephone/VoiceMail:  608.262.2759

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