My data sets have about 3600 irregularly spaced data points(each
with X,Y coord and several data values).
I would like to use visad to display my data and possibly perform some
interpolation for me. Unfortunately I came across this showstopper. If
my Irregular2DSet has more than 3000 points then only the first four are
displayed! 3000 displays fine but 3001 fails. I do not think it is
memory because the behavior is the same if I add -Xmx64m or -Xmx128m (My
development machine is a 1.2GPentium 520m Windows 2000 with JDK1.3.1 and
OpenGL Java3D1.3)
Please Help!
VisAD is the perfect tool for my application, but it is useless for me
if I cannot resolve this problem.
Any suggestions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated.
Note: Gridded2DSet did not have a problem with 3001+ points, but that
just draws a huge 'connect the dots' line. I would like to see a surface
(or at least a wire frame). I also have a list of triangles, but that
does not seem to be needed since the tringles seem to be recomputed by
the flatfield (or something).
Thanks for your time,
Christopher Milne