two graphs in same window?

Good morning VisADders!

I've been trying to get two graphs to show up in the same widget (Swing/Jython). I want to have two separate vertical axes (vertically displaced from one another), and two horizontal axes (again vertically displaced) with the same quantity and scale on each. Like this:

  y     |

  y     |

Another example would be Ugo Taddei's display at, except that he's got three aligned vertically, though two of them do use the same horizontal axis. I had thought that using two displays, giving them the same horizontal ScalarMap, and adding them to the same Swing widget would accomplish that, but I get a message from VisAD about not being allowed to use the same ScalarMap on more than one display.

Anyone have any ideas out there? Ugo?



PhD, Computational Biologist,
Harvard Medical School BCMP/SGM-322, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston MA 02115, USA.
Tel: 617-432-3555 Fax: 617-432-3557

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