> > > Is the vistutor.jar file OK ? (I have an old copy but I got an error when
> > > tried to unpack the latest version)
> >
> > I'll leave this question to Ugo, the author of our great tutorial.
> >
> I've heard of problems unpacking jars that were downloaded with
> Netscape. Try downloading with another browser and let us know if it
> (doesn't) work.
I can confirm that downloading the vistutor.jar file with Netscape 4.7 results
in a corrupted file, but that it's fine with Netscape 6.2.
Dr. Mike Ashworth
Head of Advanced Research Computing Group
Computational Science & Engineering Dept.
CLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK
Tel: +44 1925 603663
Fax: +44 1925 603634
Email: M.Ashworth@xxxxxxxx