Hi Frank,
Frank Gibbons wrote:
> Thanks for yesterday's tip, Bill, on getting two displays into a single
> container. I've been playing around with different layout managers. I
> notice that with FlowLayout and GridLayout, the displays are always square.
> How do I control the geometry of the displays? I'd like them to make better
> use of my screen real estate, by conforming to the JFrame geometry, but
> they only obey the vertical size of the container, not its horizontal size.
Perhaps what you want is described in:
If you display is in a JFrame, then you can also:
jFrame.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter(){
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
if(sticky){ // if sticky, VisAD display takes dimensions of
parent frame
Dimension dim = display.getComponent().getSize();//
int x = dim.width;
int y = dim.height;
double f = (x >= y) ? (double) x : (double) y;
setAspect( new double[]{1,(double) y/f, 1} ); // see
public void setAspect(double[] aspect){
ProjectionControl projCont = display.getProjectionControl(); //
display is you VisAD.DisplayImpl
} catch (RemoteException re) {re.printStackTrace();
} catch (VisADException ve) {ve.printStackTrace();}
Note the difference between
projCont.setAspectCartesian(aspect); -> keeps proportions
projCont.setAspect(aspect); -> squeezes axis (fonts, cross-cursor,...)
according to aspect.
If you have display inside some other component, then use the
appropriate listener.
> Forgive me if this is an obvious window-manager issue. But I thought
> GridLayout should control both dimensions of the geometry.
Hope that helps.
> Thanks for any suggestions, as always.
> -Frank
> PhD, Computational Biologist,
> Harvard Medical School BCMP/SGM-322, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston MA 02115, USA.
> Tel: 617-432-3555 Fax:
> 617-432-3557 http://llama.med.harvard.edu/~fgibbons