Thanks for your suggestions. Yes, our depths are stored as positive
numbers. Using a RealType.Altitude, I was confused how to set the units
to what you suggested. RealType.Altitude is a static class and I don't
see a method in RealType or it's parent classes for setting units--it
appears to only happen in the constructors for RealType (or through the
new factory methods). I also tried reversing the max and min for the
axis using setRange but that didn't work either--the data points
disappeared and the axis showed the usual orientation.
----- Original Message -----
From: Don Murray <dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, August 19, 2002 12:15 pm
Subject: Re: Reversed axes and connect the dots?
> John-
> John Osborne wrote:
> > Q1:In oceanography it's customary to have a "reversed" axis for
> depth.
> > For example, a 2D plot of some measured value (like salinity)
> ert to
> > depth, the origin of the Y axis is at the top of the axis and
> > represents the surface of the ocean. Depth increases down the
> axis
> > rather than up from the cartesian origin. Is there any way to
> tell
> > VisAD to draw a reversed axis?
> Are your values of depth positive? If so, you might be able
> to use RealType.Altitude as your type and use
> CommonUnit.meter.scale(-1.0) as the units for any Data object
> you create. Alternatively, you could create a RealType
> with name "Depth" and units as above. I'm not sure how either
> would be depicted.
> You can also reverse the axes using the ScalarMap.setRange()
> method. Just switch the max and min values (ie.
> myMap.setRange(100, 0) vs. myMap.setRange(0, 100).
> > Q2: I have succeeded in producing 3D scatter plots where the
> plot
> > symbol is colored by another measured variable. Is there a way
> in VisAD
> > to connect the plotted points with a line segment? If so, can
> the line
> > segment also be colored by the color variable?
> I'll let Bill or someone else answer this.
> Don