Re: strange 3D to 2D behavior

On Monday 26 August 2002 03:26 pm, Bill Hibbard wrote:

> If the RealType gatevalue is the same each time you add
> new Data, there is no need to reconstruct and readd the
> ScalarMap. If gatevalue is different for each new Data,
> then you can call addMap() for gatevalue as long as it
> does not occur in the Data already linked to the Display.

got it ... I come up with unique names for different geometries
("KFWS 0.5",  "KTLX 1.5", etc.) and then I can reuse the

and ... I checked it and it works. thanks, Bill!


p.s. noticed that Tom has a paper on visad at the AMS conf.
in Long Beach. Look forward to seeing you/him there.

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