I have a Gridded3DSet with a manifold dimension of 2:
Set xyzSet = new Gridded3DSet( domainTuple, xyz,
num_radials, num_gates );
I have a line in 3D:
Set lineDomainSet = new Gridded3DSet( lineDomain,
domainSamples, pts);
and I want to find the values of the first 3D set at samples
given by the second. There are places where the line
does not intersect the surface, so I will get NaN in some spots, but
there will be points of interest as well.
So, I try to do:
xyzSet.resample( lineDomainSet );
but I get an exception:
visad.SetException: Gridded3DSet.valueToGrid: ManifoldDimension must
be 3
Should I not be able to do this?
p.s. I can't evaluate the set at a point either:
xyzSet.evaluate( (RealTuple) cursorDataRef[0].getData(),