I can't reproduce your problem as stated. Perhaps some other people
on the list could give this a try.
Tom Rink
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
qfu wrote:
> Hi, there,
> I am testing the example code and got the following result.
> >java DelaunayTest 3 50 1
> Triangulating 50 points in 3-D with the Clarkson algorithm.
> Triangulation took 0.26 seconds.
> Improving samples: 120 passes...
> Exception in thread "main" visad.UnimplementedException: Delaunay.improve:
> dimen
> sion must be 2!
> at visad.Delaunay.improve(Delaunay.java:320)
> at DelaunayTest.main(DelaunayTest.java:146)
> Could you tell me where i am wrong?
> Thanks,
> Qingwei
> Qingwei Fu
> Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> 205 North Mathew Road
> Urbana, IL61801
> 217-333-6943