Re: About

Hi Qingwei,

> I am testing the example code and got the following result.
> >java DelaunayTest 3 50 1

I think you must have used some different arguments to
DelaunayTest, since 'DelaunayTest 3 50 1' runs OK. If you
replaced the '1' with a number > 3, then you could get
this UnimplementedException. Don't worry about it, its
just an illegal combination of arguments.


> Triangulating 50 points in 3-D with the Clarkson algorithm.
> Triangulation took 0.26 seconds.
> Improving samples: 120 passes...
> Exception in thread "main" visad.UnimplementedException: Delaunay.improve:
> dimen
> sion must be 2!
>         at visad.Delaunay.improve(
>         at DelaunayTest.main(
> Could you tell me where i am wrong?
> Thanks,
> Qingwei
> Qingwei Fu
> Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> 205 North Mathew Road
> Urbana, IL61801
> 217-333-6943

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