Earlier on in the year Bill passed on this code fragment to Mike Ashworth for
setting up a colour table:
ColorControl control = (ColorControl) RGBMap.getControl();
float[][] table = new float[3][table_length];
for (int i=0; i<table_length; i++) {
table[0][i] = ... // red for i, between 0.0f and 1.0f
table[1][i] = ... // green for i
table[2][i] = ... // blue for i
I'm trying to do a similar thing as Mike - I'm using a Linear2DSet to load
Ocean bathymetry in as a surface but want to mask out the land. Making my own
Delauney seems a little too difficult at the moment and making the land black
using a ColourMapWidget when I map the bathymetry to RGB seems to work fine.
(and looks marvellous on a spherical projection!). However, as I'm using RGB
values for another dataset in the same scene I'm using Display.Value to give
a greyscale value to my bathymetry surface. The trouble is I cant find either
an equivalent to ColourMapWidget or ColorControl for Value. Is there one? I'd
like to say I could have a go at writing one if not but I'm quite doubtfull.
Any help gratefully recieved.
Vic Cornell. IT Development Manager.
Information Technology Group,
Southampton Oceanography Centre,
Room 256/29, Empress Dock, European Way,
Email: vcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.soc.soton.ac.uk/
Tel:02380596193 Fax:02380596195 Work@Home:01803 813 792
SMS via email: send *short* messages to uruz@xxxxxxxxxxx