z karas wrote:
> Hi
> My coordinates X, Y are stored in a 2D array: coord.
> coord[2][1000];
> coord[0][0]= x1,coord[0][1]
> x2,...,coord[0][999]=x1000
> coord[1][0]= y1,coord[1][1]=y1,...,coord[1][999]=y1000
> how I can build a domain_set from this array ?
If your points are arranged in a curved 2-D grid, then use
the Gridded2DSet constructor:
public Gridded2DSet(MathType type, float[][] coord, int lengthX, int lengthY)
whree lengthX * lengthY = 1000.
Otherwise use the Irregular2DSet constructor:
public Irregular2DSet(MathType type, float[][] coord)
Good luck,