Dear all:
i have similar problem to yours with the full description below:
below are sample lines in my file:
private static final int NUM_SPIKES_X = 4;
// number of spikes along Y axis
private static final int NUM_SPIKES_Y = 3;
// increase density value to make spikes "thinner"
// decrease density value to make spikes "thicker"
private static final int DENSITY = 8;
and then i construct the integer2Dset with the density and spikes_Y and X
using the constructor
Integer2DSet set = new Integer2DSet(
then i have the two for-loops to read the spike value and put on the grid.i
think that is causing the scale mis-match,each oject carrying the spike
value also carries a pi value and a mass value.but this values are not
mapped to the x and Y axis as it is supposed to.
String name=(String)pro.getName();
double ratiox=pro.getProp();
double massx=pro.getMass();
double pix = pro.getPi();
so the domain gat to be numbers like massx and pix values taken from the
prodat oject instead of the DENSITY * NUM_SPIKES_X, DENSITY * NUM_SPIKES_Y
so it is clear that, if there is a way to pass the mass value and the pi
value through the integer2Dset constructor so that each spike will
correspond to a mass value and a pi value in the it stands now,
the domain is independent and NOT connected to the range logically.The data
is not fully represented very i am looking for ways to include the
mass and pi values in the domain on the grid so that the scale for the pi
and mass will match can test it using the sample below:
sample data below:
Name mass pi ratio
ATF4_HUMAN 38534 4.83 1
ATHL_HUMAN 115437 6.12 .7352244077830988
ATNB_HUMAN 35039 8.74 .5275324058321538
ATND_HUMAN 31492 8.58 .6540817256804714
ATPW_HUMAN 15691 5.85 .44756554307116103
ATS1_HUMAN 103431 6.27 .415245531128005
ATX7_HUMAN 95392 9.89 .36708860759493667
AXO1_HUMAN 113323 8.11 .5319148936170213
BAC1_HUMAN 801906 4.95 .6578947368421053
BAD_HUMAN 18397 10.1 .5154639175257733
BASI_HUMAN 29203 5.41 .5952380952380952
BASI_HUMAN 29203 5.41 .542363203491572
BASO_HUMAN 110909 6.91 .6711409395973155
BB1_HUMAN 6587 7.85 1
BC10_HUMAN 902869 6.21 .10714285714285712
Everything about the display is fine except this issue of domain and scale.
it will be good to know some workarounds on this or any constructor that can
implement this.
thanks for all your time
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Hibbard
To: z karas
Sent: 9/16/02 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: build doman_set ?
z karas wrote:
> Hi
> My coordinates X, Y are stored in a 2D array: coord.
> coord[2][1000];
> coord[0][0]= x1,coord[0][1]
> x2,...,coord[0][999]=x1000
> coord[1][0]= y1,coord[1][1]=y1,...,coord[1][999]=y1000
> how I can build a domain_set from this array ?
If your points are arranged in a curved 2-D grid, then use
the Gridded2DSet constructor:
public Gridded2DSet(MathType type, float[][] coord, int lengthX, int
whree lengthX * lengthY = 1000.
Otherwise use the Irregular2DSet constructor:
public Irregular2DSet(MathType type, float[][] coord)
Good luck,