Re: Positioning with Display side CoordinateSystem.

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Bill Hibbard wrote:
> The ScalarMap (Pressure -> SkewTPressure) overrides the
> ConstantMap to XAxis for the MathType (Pressure -> (U, V)).
> You could use the Data.changeMathType() method to change
> the type to something like (dummy_real -> (U, V)), so
> your ConstantMap will work.

Oops, this won't work because you want Pressure to
control the vertical placement of the wind barbs.
One thought is to create another Display set of
coordinates (SkewTPressure2, SkewTXAxis2, SkewTZAxis2)
and change the MathType of your Field to
(Pressure2 -> (U, V)) with a ScalarMap
Pressure2 -> SkewTPressure2 and a ContantMap to


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