How to populate a set of isosurfaces by giving a set of (x, y, z, value)

  • To: "Visad-List" <visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: How to populate a set of isosurfaces by giving a set of (x, y, z, value)
  • From: "Chien-Ting Chen" <cchen@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 17:03:46 -0700

I need to generate a set of isosurfaces by inputing a set of (x,y,z, value)

for example, I have a 100 (width) X 100 (height) X 50 (depth) = 500,000 (x,
y, z, value) tuples
The mapping from value to Display.IsoContour seems only work for generating
a surface texturing with the IsoContour,
but I need a set of IsoSurfaces to display by giving a set of Isovalues.

How to do that?

thanks for helping me.

Tim Chen

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