Dang, I knew I should have looked closer at that ;-). Like I said,
tell me if I'm missing something and I was. You are right.
Bill Hibbard is the expert on this and won't be back for a little
while, but I'm sure he'll chime in when he returns.
In the mean time, I changed my copy of VisADCanvasJ3D to use the
suggested method in the FAQ. I don't notice any difference (but
then again I'm not sure I have the flickering you see). If
passing in a custom GraphicConfiguration fixes your flicker
problem, let us know.
John J Brecht wrote:
I'd looked at that, but I don't know if they're syntactically the same.
(BTW - It was the 2nd solution from the page that I successfully
used in another app. If you use the first one, you get a warning about
not using a template.) At first glance they didn't look syntactically
equivalent to me. That combined with the fact that I get horrendous
flicker with VisAD as-is made me assume they were definitely not
equivalent. So, trimming out extraneous stuff, we have this
GraphicsConfigTemplate3D template = new GraphicsConfigTemplate3D();
cfg =
vs. :
GraphicsEnvironment e = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice d = e.getDefaultScreenDevice();
GraphicsConfigTemplate3D gct3d = new GraphicsConfigTemplate3D();
GraphicsConfiguration c =
Everything is identical up to the call to getBestConfiguration(). The solution calls the method with a GraphicsConfigTemplate3D as an
argument, the VisAD solution calls it with
GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations(), which is an array of
GraphicsConfigurations. I have no idea what the effective difference
is, but there is a syntactic difference. I'll just go ahead and try the solution and see what happens. When I get a chance to get back
to this work (has to wait until next week due to the sudden eminent end
of another grant ;) ) I will let you know how the experiment turns out.
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307