Look in subs.py at the 'setBoxSize()' method. The parts you need are to
get the ProjecionControl and get it's matrix (pc.getMatrix()) once at
the start (before the user has done anything to the box). It comes back
as a double[].
Then whenever you want to 'snap' it into position, you do the
pc.setMatrix(originalMatrix) and the box will snap back into original
Brobbey,Isaac wrote:
hi all,
i have a mesh 3D display with mathTYpe (mass,pi)->ratio
in order to pick my data accuratey from the display, i will have to turn
the 3D display to a 2D view(when Z==0), is there any way i can let Visad
do that, telling visad to position the display in 2D or assingning a key
board value to do that, so each time i want to pick a mass,pi value, i
can click on something, or hit a key to turn the diaplay in position Z=0, so
th at i can get the correct domain values picked.
hoping to hear from you soon
Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Phone/VoiceMail: 608.262.2759