On Sat, 26 Oct 2002, Thomas Bauer wrote:
> ok, now i add all Maps before i set the DataReferences - the source looks
> like this:
> myDisplay.clearMaps();
> myDisplay.getGraphicsModeControl().setScaleEnable(true);
> myDisplay.addMap(new ScalarMap(RealType.XAxis, Display.XAxis)); //x map
> myDisplay.addMap(new ScalarMap( RealType.YAxis, Display.YAxis)); //ymap 1
> myDisplay.addMap(new ScalarMap( RealType.YAxis, Display.YAxis)); //ymap 2
> i get the following error in line 4:
> visad.BadMappingException: Display.addMap: two ScalarMaps with the same
> RealType & DisplayRealType
> is it possible to add more than one ScalarMap with identical type?
No, recall I said:
> > Note also that you cannot add another identical:
> > ScalarMap( RealType.YAxis, Display.YAxis)
> or, what should i use instead of that to display lines of same data-type
> with different scales on YAxis . Do you have a short example to do this?
I also said:
> > To get different axis scales etc, use different RealTypes
> > in each Set, each with its own ScalarMap (addMap() all at
> > the start).
If you want different Sets displayed with different scales,
use different RealTypes.