In addition to Curtis's suggestions, look at
ProjectionControlJ3D.setOrthoView() for predefined
views of each cube face. Also, here's some code
we use to move to any view:
* Change point of view of a 3D VisAD display,
* using user's input angles (unit = degree):
* For example, a view from the
* southwest has azimuth of 225 and decAngle say 20 to 70 or so.
* Preserves initial scaling and aspect ratios.
* @param azimuth azimuth from "north," clockwise, 0 to 360
* @param decAngle tilt angle down from upward vertical. 0-180
public void rotateView(double azimuth, double decAngle) {
if (getDisplayMode() != MODE_3D) return;
// trap input bad values - not necessary since trig
// functions handle values outside of 0-360 properly.
// rotation around z axis, made from user's "azimuth"
double zAngle = 180.0 - azimuth;
try {
// rotate in z
double[] aziMatrix = getDisplay().make_matrix(0.0,
0.0, zAngle, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
double[] combo
// rotate in x
double[] decMatrix = getDisplay().make_matrix(decAngle,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// total rotation matrix is computed and applied
double[] combo2
getDisplay().multiply_matrix(decMatrix, combo);
} catch (Exception exp) {
System.out.println(" rotate view got " + exp);
getProjectionMatrix() and setProjectionMatrix() are just wrappers
around ProjectionControl.getMatrix() and PC.setMatrix().
John Osborne wrote:
Is it possible to change the orientation of a 3D display
programatically? I want the user, for example, to be able to view just
the xy face of a 3D plot (or any other face as well). I also want the
user to be able specify the orientation of the plot axes in 3-space and
add the ability to wobble or rock a plot. I have been poking around in
the VisAD JavaDoc but haven't found anything that seem to do this. TIA
John Osborne
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307