Bill/m huang-
Just one clarification
Bill Hibbard wrote:
Or they can use the
method described in the "Using Units" section of Tom's Data
Model Tutorial, to create Units from text string
representations. was deprecated. You should
use instead.
Otherwise, I think Bill summed it up nicely. I never worry
about BaseUnit, DerivedUnit, etc. I just deal with the
Unit superclass which has the methods I need.
If you have real concerns and design ideas for units,
you should check out JSR 108 (javax.units):
which is working on a Java extension for handling units.
I think Steve's Units design does an excellent job of
enabling applications to express and manipulate the
units of their numerical quantities.
I agree and the javax.units package should build on this
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307