Brobbey,Isaac wrote:
hi all:
i have a DISPLAY that shows my data points very close to each other.
and as a result tom suggested i use logarithm scale along the x and y axis.
I have studied the example in the, but that deals with polar
i am asking if the visad API has a constructor for such a scale;
something like,
if i want to use the log scale for my data (mass,pi), the constructor
details like in below:
RealTupleType cartesian = new RealTupleType(x, y);
PolarCoordinateSystem polar_coord_sys =
new PolarCoordinateSystem(cartesian);
Look at the visad.LogCoordinateSystem class and the example
There is no intrinsic logarithmic DisplayRealTypes in VisAD.
I thought about adding them at one time, but you would need
to have 4 different DisplayTupleTypes - one with all axes
logarithmic and one for only one of each of the 3 axes being
a log scale.
However, you could implement your own and use it if you only
wanted one of the axes to be a log scale (and then you could
set the log base to be what you want).
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307