I updated the 00Readme.txt. I forgot you need to add
a line "from herschel.spire.qla.plot import *" after
you start Jython so the Jython examples can be run.
For those who don't/can't read JavaDocs, Here are what
you can set to the plotter, to the scales, and to the
data curves:
List of what you can set to the plotter (PlotControlVisAD2D object):
setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color c)
Sets the background color.
setBackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b)
Sets the background color.
setBoxColor(java.awt.Color c)
Sets the box color.
setBoxColor(float r, float g, float b)
Sets the box color.
setBoxOn(boolean on)
Sets the box visibility.
setCursorColor(java.awt.Color c)
Sets the cursor color.
setCursorColor(float r, float g, float b)
Sets the cursor color.
setDirectOn(boolean on)
Sets the status of direct manipulation.
setForegroundColor(java.awt.Color c)
Sets the foreground color (box, cursor and scales).
setForegroundColor(float r, float g, float b)
Sets the foreground color (box, cursor and scales).
Scales the plot to accomodate all data points and leave
blank margine around data lines and points.
setLineStyle(int s)
Sets the style of data lines.
setLineWidth(float w)
Sets the line width of the plot.
setPointMode(boolean on)
Sets Point mode.
setPointSize(float s)
Sets the point size of the plot.
setProjection(double[] r)
Sets the projection factors of the display.
setRenderedScaleOn(boolean on)
Allows scales to be displayed if they are set on.
setScalesEnable(boolean enable)
Enables/disables numerical scales along display spatial
setTitle(java.lang.String t)
Sets the plot title.
setTransform2D(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform t)
Sets transform
setXRange(double lower, double upper)
Sets the ranges of all X scales to the same values.
setYRange(double lower, double upper)
Sets the ranges of all Y scales to the same values.
List of what you can set with ScaleControlVisAD2D object:
setAutoComputeTicks(boolean auto)
Allow the AxisScale to automatically compute the desired
majorTickSpacing based on the range of the ScalarMap.
setBaseLineVisible(boolean visible)
Set visibility of base line of the scale.
setColor(java.awt.Color color)
Sets axis label color.
setFont(java.awt.Font font)
Sets the font used for rendering the labels.
setLabel(java.lang.String label)
Sets axis label.
setLabelSize(int size)
Sets axis label font size.
setLabelTable(java.util.Hashtable labels)
Used to specify what label will be drawn at any given
setMajorTickSpacing(double spacing)
Set major tick mark spacing.
setMinorTickSpacing(double spacing)
Set minor tick mark spacing.
setNumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat format)
Sets the formatting for labels.
setRange(double lower, double upper)
Sets the range of box border and scale.
setScreenBased(boolean sb)
Sets screenBased mode for this axis.
setShowingRange(double lower, double upper)
Sets the range of X data that can be shown.
setSide(int side)
Sets which side of the box to draw the scale.
setSnapToBox(boolean b)
Set whether the scale is drawn along the box edge.
setTickBase(double base)
Sets the base value for tick marks.
setTickOrientation(int orient)
Set orientation of tick marks along the axis line.
setVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the visibility of the scale.
List of what you can set with a LineControl object:
Makes changes in the data or the control reflected in the
setLineColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the data curve and point color.
setLineColor(float r, float g, float b)
Set the color of the data line.
setLineOn(boolean on)
Controls whether the data line between data points are
setLineStyle(int s)
Sets the style of the data line.
setLineWidth(float w)
Sets the width of the data line.
********THESE DON'T WORK YET : ************
setPointColor(float r, float g, float b)
Sets the color of the data point.
setPointOn(boolean on)
Controls whether the data point between data points are
setPointSize(float w)
Sets the size of the data point.
setPointStyle(int s)
Sets the style of the data point.
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