> Carlos Pleguezuelos wrote:
> Now I wanna do the same thing but with 2D display, and Im not quite sure how
> to do it, though I think is very simple and similar. Do I have to
> create a new object that extends from VisADCanvasJ2D? With 3D I have to
> override the "renderField" method, but, since that method doesnt
> appear in VisADCanvasJ2D, do i have to override "renderTrigger"? How can i do
> it?
By far the easiest way to do this is to use:
new DisplayImplJ3D("display", new TwoDDisplayRendererJ3D());
in place of:
new DisplayImplJ2D("display");
If you can use Java3D, it will give much better performance
than Java2D, and with the TwoDDisplayRendererJ3D looks the
Then you can use the same text solution.
> I have another question. When you create a DisplayImplJ3D and add it to a
> widget, a JFrame for example, the "cube" inside the display grows
> through the display: if I include the display in a very large frame, I get a
> big "cube". How can I define the dimensions of the cube to get an
> smaller one?
There are two approaches. You could call:
ProjectionControl p = display.getProjectionControl();
p.setAspectCartesian(new double[] {0.1, 0.1, 0.1}); // or whatever
Or you could use the getMatrix() and setMatrix() methods
of ProjectionControl - I think Tom has some utilities for
doing this from Python.
Good luck,