Thank you --
This worked perfectly.
Donna L. Gresh, Ph.D.
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
(914) 945-2472
Don Murray
<dmurray@unidata. To: Donna L
Gresh/Watson/IBM@IBMUS> cc:
Subject: Re: visad display
won't resize
01/17/2003 02:36
Please respond to
By default, JPanel has a FlowLayout which causes the problems
you see. Try using a BorderLayout and put your display in
the default (Center) position.
Not that it is obvious, but here's somethings in the archives
along that line:
Donna L Gresh wrote:
> I have looked in the mailing list without luck in solving this problem.
> Basically, I just want to have the visad panel resize when my application
> panel resize. This works in the first implementation of my application,
> where all of the visad stuff is in the same class as the entire JFrame
> which encloses it. However, since I didn't want to keep reinventing the
> wheel everytime I wanted to put a particular kind of visad picture in a
> panel, I separated out all the visad stuff into a separate class, called
> "DisplayThreeDimensionalSurface" which extends the JPanel class. Just
> before finishing up the constructor for this class, I do a
> add((JPanel) theDisplay.getComponent());
> However, now the display no longer responds to changes in the size of
> panel which contains it. It stays the same size no matter what (I'm not
> sure what size it is; perhaps 400x400, but this is not a number that
> appears anywhere in my code)
> Basically in my code for the frame containing the picture I do something
> like
> DisplayThreeDimensionalSurface threed = new
> DisplayThreeDimensionalSurface();
> JPanel visadpictureholder = new JPanel();
> visadpictureholder.add(threed);
> However even explicit calls to "visadpictureholder.resize(200,200)"
> do nothing. Also I tried when the DisplayThreeDimensionalSurface is
> initially created to do
> theDisplay.getComponent().setSize(100,100);
> this.setSize(100,100);
> this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,100));
> none of which changed the initial size of the visad picture. How can I
> force the size of the visad picture?
> Thanks in advance for any help
> Donna
> Donna L. Gresh, Ph.D.
> IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
> (914) 945-2472
> gresh@xxxxxxxxxx
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307