Hi Donna,
> Hmmm, I'm still missing something. What I've got now is a class
> UnshadedRenderJ3D, which has a bunch of things along the lines of
> public class UnshadedRendererJ3D extends DefaultRendererJ3D {
> public UnshadedRendererJ3D () {
> super();
> }
> public ShadowType makeShadowType(
> FunctionType type, DataDisplayLink link, ShadowType parent)
> throws VisADException, RemoteException {
> return new ShadowUnshadedTypeJ3D(type, link, parent);
> }
> public ShadowType makeShadowFunctionType(
> FunctionType type, DataDisplayLink link, ShadowType parent)
> throws VisADException, RemoteException {
> return new ShadowUnshadedFunctionTypeJ3D(type, link, parent);
> }
> .......
> Then I have a new version of (non-static) makeAppearance, which I have
> placed in ShadowUnshadedTypeJ3D. This version of makeAppearance does
> something different with the lighting. But I'm never entering that method.
> What else do I need to do? I previously had a bunch of makeAppearances also
> in the other ShadowUnshaded.... guys, just referring back to the one in
> ShadowUnshadedTypeJ3D, but the compiler complains about referencing a
> non-static method from a static context... I'm not enough of a java expert
> to sort this all out...
Just to test this, I tried it myself, adding the method:
public Appearance makeAppearance(GraphicsModeControl mode,
TransparencyAttributes constant_alpha,
ColoringAttributes constant_color,
GeometryArray geometry, boolean no_material) {
return super.makeAppearance(mode, constant_alpha,
constant_color, geometry, no_material);
to visad/bom/ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.java. Then I ran:
doll% java visad.bom.ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D test.gif
and as you see it did print the message that it was invoked.
I suggest you compare your DataRenderer and ShadowTypes to:
and compare your code to these, with respect to what
class extends what, etc.
Good luck,