Thank you, Maohai, for your excellent efforts.
We will look forward to any collaboration.
m huang wrote:
> hi,
> Just a quick note. In the last Herschel Interactive
> Analysis working group meeting (see threads and long
> posts in December about Herschel IA) I showed the usability
> of VisAD for IA, including my 2D X-Y line plot wrapper class
> and some demonstrations of easy 2D mapping and 3D rendering
> capability. More group members start to find interest
> in VisAD, both in VisAD's visualization capabilities but
> also in its data model. It looks like the IA data
> model would accomodate VisAD Data (hence all the
> goodies that come with it). Collaboration with the
> VisAD group is on the IA working group's radar screen now.
> Maohai Huang
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