Hi Donna,
> In my display I have several datareferences which need to be updated when
> my data changes. I was wondering if there's a way to turn off the updating
> of the picture until I've finished all my setData()'s; it's a little
> disconcerting to see them change one by one. I found the
> DisplayImpl.disableAction()/enableAction() pair, but that didn't seem to
> have any effect.
Actually, disableAction() and enableAction() do have an effect:
they make sure all your data are transformed into scene graph
depictions during the same call to DisplayImpl.doAction(). The
delays you are still seeing are the times to transform each
data object. However, there is a way to get the depictions to
appear nearly simultaneously (delays are only due to the speed
of Java3D rendering the scene graph depictions, which is much
faster than transform into scene graph depictions). The code looks
like this:
drmap = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
drimage = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
display.addReferences(drmap, maplinesRef, maplinesConstantMap);
display.addReferences(drimage, imageRef,null);
Plus a method:
public void displayChanged(DisplayEvent e)
throws VisADException, RemoteException {
if (e.getId() == DisplayEvent.TRANSFORM_DONE) {
Note the class of 'this' must implement DisplayListener
and must include declarations as class instance variables:
private DefaultRendererJ3D drmap;
private DefaultRendererJ3D drimage;
I have attached an updated version of visad/examples/SatDisplay.java
that incldues this logic.
Good luck,
VisAD system for interactive analysis and visualization of numerical
data. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2002 Bill Hibbard, Curtis Rueden, Tom
Rink, Dave Glowacki, Steve Emmerson, Tom Whittaker, Don Murray, and
Tommy Jasmin.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307, USA
// SatDisplay.java by Don Murray of Unidata
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.net.URL;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import visad.ColorControl;
import visad.CoordinateSystem;
import visad.ConstantMap;
import visad.Data;
import visad.DataReference;
import visad.DataReferenceImpl;
import visad.Display;
import visad.DisplayImpl;
import visad.FlatField;
import visad.FunctionType;
import visad.Linear2DSet;
import visad.RealTupleType;
import visad.RealType;
import visad.ScalarMap;
import visad.data.mcidas.AreaAdapter;
import visad.data.mcidas.BaseMapAdapter;
import visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D;
import visad.java3d.TwoDDisplayRendererJ3D;
import visad.java3d.DefaultRendererJ3D;
import visad.DisplayListener;
import visad.DisplayEvent;
import visad.VisADException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
* Example class to display a satellite image in VisAD.
* @author Don Murray - Unidata
public class SatDisplay implements DisplayListener
private DisplayImpl display;
private DefaultRendererJ3D drmap;
private DefaultRendererJ3D drimage;
* Construct a satellite display using the specified McIDAS map file,
* image source. The image can be displayed on a 3D globe or on a
* flat rectillinear projection.
* @param mapFile location of the McIDAS map file (path or URL)
* @param imageSource location of the image source (path or URL)
* @param display3D if true, use 3D display, otherwise flat rectillinear
* @param remap remap the image into a domain over North America
public SatDisplay(String mapFile, String imageSource,
boolean display3D, boolean remap)
// Read in the map file
BaseMapAdapter baseMapAdapter;
if (mapFile.indexOf("://") > 0) // URL specified
baseMapAdapter = new BaseMapAdapter(new URL(mapFile) );
else // local disk file
baseMapAdapter = new BaseMapAdapter(mapFile);
// Create the display and set up the scalar maps to map
// data to the display
ScalarMap latMap; // latitude -> YAxis
ScalarMap lonMap; // longitude -> XAxis
if (display3D)
display = new DisplayImplJ3D("display");
latMap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Latitude, Display.Latitude);
lonMap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Longitude, Display.Longitude);
display = new DisplayImplJ3D("display",
new TwoDDisplayRendererJ3D());
latMap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Latitude, Display.YAxis);
lonMap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Longitude, Display.XAxis);
// set the display to a global scale
latMap.setRange(-90.0, 90.0);
lonMap.setRange(-180.0, 180.0);
// create a reference for the map line
DataReference maplinesRef = new DataReferenceImpl("MapLines");
// set the attributes of the map lines (color, location)
ConstantMap[] maplinesConstantMap = new ConstantMap[4];
maplinesConstantMap[0] = new ConstantMap(0., Display.Blue);
maplinesConstantMap[1] = new ConstantMap(1., Display.Red);
maplinesConstantMap[2] = new ConstantMap(0., Display.Green);
maplinesConstantMap[3] =
new ConstantMap(1.001, Display.Radius); // just above the image
// read in the image
AreaAdapter areaAdapter = new AreaAdapter(imageSource);
FlatField image = areaAdapter.getData();
// Extract the metadata from the image
FunctionType imageFunctionType =
(FunctionType) image.getType();
RealTupleType imageDomainType = imageFunctionType.getDomain();
RealTupleType imageRangeType =
(RealTupleType) imageFunctionType.getRange();
// remap and resample the image
if (remap)
int SIZE = 256;
RealTupleType latlonType =
Linear2DSet remapDomainSet =
new Linear2DSet(
latlonType, -4.0, 70.0, SIZE, -150.0, 5.0, SIZE);
image =
(FlatField) image.resample(
remapDomainSet, Data.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, Data.NO_ERRORS);
// select which band to show...
ScalarMap rgbMap =
new ScalarMap(
(RealType) imageRangeType.getComponent(0), Display.RGB);
// set the enhancement to a grey scale
ColorControl colorControl = (ColorControl) rgbMap.getControl();
// create a data reference for the image
DataReferenceImpl imageRef = new DataReferenceImpl("ImageRef");
// add the data references to the display
drmap = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
drimage = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
display.addReferences(drmap, maplinesRef, maplinesConstantMap);
display.addReferences(drimage, imageRef,null);
catch (Exception ne)
ne.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
public void displayChanged(DisplayEvent e)
throws VisADException, RemoteException {
if (e.getId() == DisplayEvent.TRANSFORM_DONE) {
* <UL>
* <LI>run 'java -mx64m SatDisplay' for globe display
* <LI>run 'java -mx64m SatDisplay X remap' for remapped globe display
* <LI>run 'java -mx64m SatDisplay X 2D' for flat display
* </UL>
public static void main (String[] args) {
String mapFile = "ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/visad-2.0/OUTLSUPW";
String imageSource = "ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/visad-2.0/AREA2001";
boolean use3D = true;
boolean remap = false;
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Satellite Display");
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
if (args.length > 0 && !args[0].equals("X")) {
imageSource = args[0];
// mapFile = args[0];
if (args.length == 2) {
use3D = (args[1].indexOf("2") >= 0) ? false : true;
remap = (args[1].indexOf("2") >= 0) ? false : true;
SatDisplay satDisplay =
new SatDisplay(mapFile, imageSource, use3D, remap);
frame.setSize(500, 500);