Re: shape thickness

Wait a second.  Looks like one of my contour maps didn't redraw
itself correctly.  The data looks fine.  Sorry for the confusion.

It's kind of weird, though.  The contours drew perfectly on one
display but not the other...  Hmm.


On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Don Murray wrote:

> Leah-
> Leah Foechterle wrote:
> > I tried that earlier and ran into a problem.  I am constantly
> > changing the data displayed by my application.  When I change
> > the data I removeAllReferences() from my display, reset the
> > data and re-add the references.  If I add a constant map in
> > addReference(), the second time I add the reference I get
> > an exception saying that I can't add the same constant map
> > twice.  But, if I don't add a constant map, the data is
> > displayed as though a constant map isn't there at all.
> Do you need to remove all data references?  Is the data
> (and associated ScalarTypes) changing?  If not, then could
> you just call DataReference.setData() with the new Data?
> If so, the ConstantMaps will stay in place.  Only the
> data is changing.
> If the ScalarTypes keep changing, could you have something
> like:
>     DataReference myRef = new DataReferenceImpl("place holder");
>     <set up scalarMaps>
>     <read in new data>
>     myRef.setData(<new data>);
>     display.addReference(myRef, ConstantMap[] <array>);
>     <read in new Data>
>     for (int i = 0; i < oldMaps; i++) {
>        display.removeMap(<oldScalarMap>);
>     }
>     <add in any new ScalarMaps>
>     myRef.setData(<new Data>);
> > I looked through the visad/example code.  The closest
> > example creates a new display and then adds all the scalar
> > and constant maps.  I'd prefer not to create a new display
> > everytime I change the data.
> A change was made recently where you can add and remove
> ScalarMaps at will.  See visad/examples/
> > How can I get around this?
> Don
> *************************************************************
> Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
> dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
> (303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
> *************************************************************

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