Hello Arvind,
if you want to have "flow1" and "flow2 in the x-y plane, and "utitlity"
along the z axis, then use the following scalar maps.
final ScalarMap flow1XMap = new ScalarMap(flow1, Display.XAxis);
final ScalarMap flow2YMap = new ScalarMap(flow2, Display.YAxis);
final ScalarMap utilityZMap = new ScalarMap(utility, Display.ZAxis);
If you also want to map "utility" to a colour, say red-green-blue, then
you could also add:
display.addMap(new ScalarMap(utitlity, Display.RGB));
Given that you already know the min/max range of values for each type,
you can also perform a setRange() on each scalar map.
flow1XMap.setRange(5, 40);
flow2YMap.setRange(5, 40);
utilityZMap.setRange(0, 1);
PS. I'm not sure I understand your problem, so please post again with
more details if need be.
Hope this helps,
Jim Koutsovasilis
Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
Arvind Lakshmikumar wrote:
I post this again as my attempts have been going nowhere and I hope
someone more experienced than I could help me out real quick.I have 3
variables, flow1,flow2 and utility. flow1 and flow2 lie in
[5,40]. Corresponding to that utility lies in [0,1]. I want to represent
the height of Z as a solid bar. Would really appreciate it if someone
could help me out with a java snippet that could do this..
Thanks a lot,
Arvind Lakshmikumar
Research Scientist Research Scholar
Intelligent Automation, Inc Robotics Institute, CMU
7519 Standish Place 5000 Forbes Avenue
Rockville MD Pittsburgh PA
email : kla@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 443-538-4555 (Cell)
301-540-4396 (Home)
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