Hello Arvind,
sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but this week has
been a bit busy...
Please find attached "BarGraph.java" which shows you one way
to achieve what you want.
This approach uses volume rendering, which you can test with
visad/examples/Test61.java in your visad release.
Please note that you'll have to rotate the display in order to see
the 3D bars. Rotate the display so that the utility-axis is pointing up,
and you will see the volume-rendering.
Hope this helps,
Jim Koutsovasilis
Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
Arvind Lakshmikumar wrote:
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the post..What you suggested would create the maps. But how
would I draw 3D bars for values on the Z-axis. Say I have flow1=20,
flow2=30, utility =0.6. I want to represent utility as a bar of height
Thanks a lot,
Arvind Lakshmikumar
Research Scientist Research Scholar
Intelligent Automation, Inc Robotics Institute, CMU
7519 Standish Place 5000 Forbes Avenue
Rockville MD Pittsburgh PA
email : kla@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 443-538-4555 (Cell)
301-540-4396 (Home)
Linux is like a Teepee
No Windows, No Gates,
Only APACHE Inside!
// BarGraph.java
// Java
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
// VisAD
import visad.ConstantMap;
import visad.DataReferenceImpl;
import visad.DelaunayCustom;
import visad.Display;
import visad.Field;
import visad.FlatField;
import visad.FunctionType;
import visad.GraphicsModeControl;
import visad.Linear3DSet;
import visad.Real;
import visad.RealTupleType;
import visad.RealType;
import visad.ScalarMap;
import visad.Set;
import visad.UnionSet;
import visad.VisADException;
import visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D;
* Demo program to show a 3D bar graph.
* MathType: (flow1, flow2)-->(utility)
* The height of the bars is controlled by "utility".
* The colour of the the bars is also controlled by "utility".
* You'll need to rotate the display so that you can see
* the volume rendering.
public final class BarGraph
private final RealType flow1Type;
private final RealType flow2Type;
private final RealType utilityType;
private final RealType dummyType;
* Constructor.
public BarGraph() throws VisADException, RemoteException
final DisplayImplJ3D display = new DisplayImplJ3D("display");
final GraphicsModeControl gmc
flow1Type = RealType.getRealType("flow1");
flow2Type = RealType.getRealType("flow2");
utilityType = RealType.getRealType("utility");
dummyType = RealType.getRealType("dummy");
final ScalarMap xMap
new ScalarMap(flow1Type, Display.XAxis);
final ScalarMap yMap
new ScalarMap(flow2Type, Display.YAxis);
final ScalarMap zMap
new ScalarMap(utilityType, Display.ZAxis);
final ScalarMap colourMap
new ScalarMap(dummyType, Display.RGB);
// flow1 values are in the range (5, 40)
xMap.setRange(5, 40);
// flow2 values are in the range (5, 40)
yMap.setRange(5, 40);
// intensity values are in the range (0, 1)
zMap.setRange(0, 1);
final int numSamples = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) {
// Pick a flow1 value in the range (5, 35)
final float flow1 = (float) ((Math.random() * 35) + 5);
// Pick a flow2 value in the range (5, 35)
final float flow2 = (float) ((Math.random() * 35) + 5);
// Pick a utility value in the range (0, 1)
final float utility = (float) Math.random();
final Field field = create3DBar(flow1, flow2, utility);
final DataReferenceImpl dataRef =
new DataReferenceImpl("data_ref");
} // for (i<numSamples)
final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Bar Graph");
frame.setSize(640, 480);
} // BarGraph.BarGraph()
* Creates a 3D bar at the given position ("flow1", "flow2")
* with a height of "utility". Note that the depth and
* width of the bar is 1.
private Field create3DBar(final float flow1, final float flow2,
final float utility)
throws VisADException, RemoteException
final RealTupleType domainType = new RealTupleType(
new RealType[] {flow1Type, flow2Type, utilityType});
final int numValues = 2;
final float width = 1.0f;
final float depth = width;
final Set domainSet = new Linear3DSet(domainType,
flow1, flow1 + width, numValues,
flow2, flow2 + depth, numValues,
0, utility, numValues);
final FunctionType functionType = new FunctionType(
domainType, dummyType);
final Field field = new FlatField(functionType, domainSet);
final int numPoints = numValues * numValues * numValues;
final int numRangeComponents = 1;
final float[][] values
new float[numRangeComponents][numPoints];
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
values[0][i] = utility;
return field;
} // BarGraph.create3DBar()
* Runs the program.
* @param args no arguments are expected.
public static final void main(String[] args)
throws VisADException, RemoteException
new BarGraph();
} // BarGraph.main()
} // class BarGraph