Re: display problem


nicolas guegan wrote:
I'm a problem, *when I execute the program P2_01 of the visad's tutorial*,

In section 1 it is stated:

"By pressing and dragging with the left mouse button on the display you can move the graph around. By shift-clicking and moving the mouse up and down you can zoom in and out. Pressing and dragging the middle mouse button (on two-button mouse emulated by simultaneously clicking both buttons) shows a cross cursor that moves with the mouse. The values of the RealTypes at the cursor's position are shown on the upper left corner of the display."

Give the tutorial a go, id est read some or at least browse through it.

Furthermore, there's the list archive (, where you can look up old questions and the respective answers. I'm sure this question has been posted before!

The solution to your last problem:
"when I execut : java p2_02
 the dos comand display :
Exection in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError P2_01 (wrong name : tutorial/s2/P2_01)

the File is in a visad\tutorial\s2; it's an example of visad
thank you  for your reponse"

was also in the tutorial:

"run with 'java tutorial.s1.P1_01'"

_the program not display the cursor's display the ases and the graph but the cursor isn't a cross and this position isn't display in the frame.
thank you.

C'est rien.



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