Could you tell me where I can add my GO.gif icon for the "GO" button I set
up in StyleSheet.java? I checked the different files and can't seem to find
an example. It's weird that I was able to compile just fine and did not get
a javax.swing.ImageIcon NullPointerException without that .gif file included
(as you mentioned).
I made sure that visad.jar was at the very end of my classpath so that
probably isn't the problem. Also, when you say to not run it by typing "java
-jar visad.jar", how exactly should I run it? I was just opening up a new
VisAD spreadsheet all over again.
Thanks for your help,
Michelle Kam (408) 742-2881
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
B/153 O/L922
1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
-----Original Message-----
From: Curtis Rueden [mailto:curtis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 5:48 AM
To: Kam, Michelle C
Subject: RE: your mail
Hi Michelle,
The steps you've taken should be sufficient to add a new button
to the SpreadSheet, assuming you've also added a GO.gif icon for
that button (if not, you would receive a NullPointerException
from within javax.swing.ImageIcon).
The only thing I can think of is that perhaps when you execute
"java visad.ss.SpreadSheet", it could be running a different
version of the application. This could occur (I think) if you
have a CLASSPATH that includes visad.jar before other folders
that contain your modified version of the SpreadSheet.
Or perhaps you are running "java -jar visad.jar" to execute the
SpreadSheet, in which case it would use the SpreadSheet.class
file within visad.jar instead of your recompiled version.
At 07:07 PM 6/6/2003, you wrote:
>I sent an email asking about how to link a particular file with a button
>added to the toolbar on the top of the spreadsheet. I added the following
>SpreadSheet.java in the ss package:
> addToolbarButton("GO", "Open small.v5d", "loadMyDataSet", true,
> public void loadMyDataSet() throws VisADException, RemoteException
> try {
> DisplayCells[0][0].addDataSource("data/small.v5d");
> }
> catch (VisADException exc) {
> System.out.println("Could not load file small.v5d into the
> catch (RemoteException exc) {
> System.out.println("Could not load file small.v5d into spreadsheet");
> }
>It compiles normally, but when I open up VisAD, I don't see my changes. Do
>you know if I am supposed to do something in addition to just opening up a
>VisAD SpreadSheet to see my changes?
>Michelle Kam
>Michelle Kam (408) 742-2881
>Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
>B/153 O/L922
>1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom Whittaker [mailto:tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 11:24 AM
>To: Kam, Michelle C
>Cc: 'Bill Hibbard'; visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: your mail
>Yes, VisAD has a text adapter that can deal with csv files that
>essentially contain data to be made into a single VisAD Data object.
>You must, however, add two lines at the beginning of the file to define
>the math type of the resulting VisAD Data object, and the order of the
>parameters in the file. The data may be comma, tab, or space-delimited.
>All this is described in the readme file at:
>(the latest copy of this file can be found in the VisAD source code
>under: visad/data/text/README.text -- the code was recently updated to
>permit better handling of time formats).
>Kam, Michelle C wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Do you know if Visad can work with (import/export) Excel csv files?
>> Thanks,
>> Michelle
>> Michelle Kam (408) 742-2881
>> Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
>> B/153 O/L922
>> 1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bill Hibbard [mailto:billh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 3:51 AM
>> To: Kam, Michelle C
>> Cc: visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: Re: your mail
>> Hi Michelle,
>> I am CC'ing to visad-list since your message to the list
>> was bounced by our dumb majordomo server because the
>> subject line included "help".
>> When you compile VisAD from source, your CLASSPATH environment
>> variable must include the PARENT directory of visad. So if your
>> visad package is in /home/michelle/java/visad, then your
>> CLASSPATH must include /home/michelle/java.
>> Good luck,
>> Bill
>> On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Kam, Michelle C wrote:
>>>I downloaded the source code for visad and I'm not trying to compile the
>>>.java classes for the spreadsheet. But I'm running into many compile
>> errors.
>>>I'm wondering if I installed it incorrectly. Are there instructions on
>>>to get started if I'm compiling only the spread sheet code on a windows
>>>Michelle Kam
>>>Michelle Kam (408) 742-2881
>>>Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
>>>B/153 O/L922
>>>1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
>Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
>University of Wisconsin-Madison
>Space Science and Engineering Center
>Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
>Phone/VoiceMail: 608.262.2759