Hi Michelle,
>The strange thing is that I re-unzipped the whole visAD package and replaced
>the old SpreadSheet.java to try to start out new again. I added a small print
>statement in the main method of SpreadSheet.java expecting to see something
>printed in the command prompt shell. But nothing showed up. Also, my Go button
>appeared and when I clicked on it, the same white square appeared.
Solving this problem is your #1 priority (if you haven't already), because you
can't effectively test and debug anything while old versions of the code keep
getting executed.
This element of your CLASSPATH causes Java to look in the visad.jar file for
classes, but since it comes after your other folders, if your new class file is
in D:\visad\unzipped or D:\visad\unzipped\visad, you shouldn't be having
This file only contains Java source files, not class files, and is thus not
useful to include in your CLASSPATH.
>Interestingly, all 3 of the "3D", "J2D", and "2D" icons are grayed out which
>probably shouldn't be.
Those icons being grayed out indicates that Java3D isn't installed properly.
Have you tried running other VisAD 3D examples (in visad/examples folder)?
Tom wrote:
>There is an OpenGL-related issue on Windows (and perhaps other platforms) in
>that if the data is displayed with texture mapping (as you might with an image)
>and has a dimension larger than a hardware-dependent value, then it displays
>has a flat white or gray square. On my machine, the limit is 1024; one other
>machine we have here, it's 512.
>The only solution I know of for the time being is to resample the data to a
>smaller number of samples.
If you are having this issue, it is worth noting that the SpreadSheet has
texture mapping enabled by default, but that it can be turned off in the GUI
by unchecking the "Texture mapping" checkbox in the controls window. However,
I am not sure whether doing so solves the problem Tom describes.
>The 3D image shows up, but I was still wondering about where the current
>mappings get assigned. I walked through MappingDialog.java and
>BasicSSCell.java and I couldn't find anything specific for where current
>mappings get assigned. Does anyone know where I can find that?
The mapping dialog is brought up by a call to FancySSCell.addMapDialog().
The ScalarMap array is created by MappingDialog when the "Done" button is
clicked at MappingDialog.java:1125-1126. Then, FancySSCell.addMapDialog()
takes that array and passes it to its setMapsAuto() method, which calls
BasicSSCell.setMaps() after switching to the proper cell dimension for those
mappings (under the right conditions).
The maps are actually added in BasicSSCell.setMaps() at BasicSSCell:1629.