Hi Michelle,
Since your goal seems to be to pre-specify the data set
and the ScalarMaps in the SpreadSheet, I suggest that the
SpreadSheet is not the right approach. The SpreadSheet is
designed as a GUI to give users interactive control over
as much of the VisAD API as possible. In order to do this,
the SpreadSheet is very complex, especially for a beginner
like yourself.
It will be much easier for you to do these things by just
writing an ordinary VisAD application that uses the API
directly. I suggest starting with the main() method in the
visad/data/vis5d/Vis5DForm.java class. In fact, you can
visualize the "small.v5d" data set using:
java visad.data.vis5d.Vis5DForm small.v5d
(To use this, please download a fresh copy of visad_src-2.0.jar
or visad.jar from ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/visad-2.0/untested/,
as I just fixed a bug this morning).
I also strongly recommend that you take the time to work
through Ugo's excellent VisAD tutorial. This will give you
a real feel for the VisAD API.
Good luck,