Hi Romaric,
> I have two little (very little ! ) questions for you :
> 1) There are a few units in the library (class SI) : ampere, candela, kelvin
> ... but i want Hertz unit, how can I do it please ?
> Actually, i procced like that :
> Unit hertz, unite;
> unite = SI.second.divide(SI.second);
> hertz = unite.divide(SI.second);
> RealType Frequence = RealType.getRealType("Frequence", hertz, null);
> But it displays "s-1" on the screen... and I want "Hz"....
Unit cycles = CommonUnit.dimensionless.divide(CommonUnit.second);
Unit hz = cycles.clone("Hz");
RealType count = RealType.getRealType("count", hz);
> 2) A little bit difficult now :
> I would like to increase the graph to change the dimensions of this one. ( I
> used the Rivers.java example), can you help me ?
I am not sure what you mean. To change Rivers.java from two to
three dimensions, change 'RealTupleType earth' to use three
component RealTypes, and change the Gridded2DSets to
Good luck,