RE: specifying fields from input file

Hi Michelle,

You're not seeing Altitude, Latitude or Longitude because
they are CoordinateSystem reference types, which
DataUtility.getScalarTypes does not extract by default.
However, you can extract them by passing in coordSys=true to
getScalarTypes. Also, I recommend using keepDupl=false, so
that you don't receive the same RealTypes multiple times.
Try the following code:

Data[] myData = mySS.DisplayCells[width][height].getData();  
Vector myVector = new Vector(10);
DataUtility.getScalarTypes(myData, myVector, false, true);
for (int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); i++) {
   ScalarType st = (ScalarType) myVector.elementAt(i);
   System.out.println("type #" + i + " = " + st);

If the above code doesn't get all the ScalarTypes, it's
probably a bug in getScalarTypes, and I'll look into it.


At 02:49 PM 6/30/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Curtis,
>I tried calling getData() on a FancySSCell and then passing that and a newly
>constructed vector to hold the resulting scalar types into the call to
>getScalarTypes() (as you suggested). However, in the printout of the scalar
>types, I only get time, row, col, height, U, and V. No matter how many times
>I run my program, these are always the input fields and altitude, latitude,
>longitude, or W never appear as "map from" fields. So the values that the
>input fields are mapped to change as expected, but the input fields
>themselves are always the same. Printed to screen:
>mpas[0] is ScalarMap: Time -> DisplayRGBA
>maps[1] is ScalarMap: row -> DisplayValue
>maps[2] is ScalarMap: col -> DisplayCyan
>maps[3] is ScalarMap: Height -> DisplayYAxisOffset
>maps[4] is ScalarMap: U -> DisplayRGBA
>maps[5] is ScalarMap: row -> DisplayBlue
>maps[6] is ScalarMap: col -> DisplaySaturation
>maps[7] is ScalarMap: Height -> DisplayYellow
>maps[8] is ScalarMap: V -> DisplayRadius
>maps[9] is ScalarMap: row -> DisplayZAxis
>If I imported small.v5d as the input data file and tried to determine the
>scalar values of input fields, do you know why the input fields of altitude,
>latitude, longitude, or W never show up especially since I'm randomizing the
>intial mappings including input fields?
>                public void setCellMapping(int width, int height) throws
>VisADException, RemoteException {
>                        int fields = theJgapAPI.field_count;
>//used as arg to getMappingForCell()
>                        int cell_number = (width + (4 * height));
>//used as arg to getMappingForCell()
>                        ScalarMap[] theMaps = new ScalarMap[fields];
>//array that will be passed into setMaps()      
>                        Data[] myData
>                        Vector myVector = new Vector(10); //capacity = 10
>because there are 10 input fields in small.v5d
>                        int useless = DataUtility.getScalarTypes(myData,
>myVector, true, false);  //will setup the myVector structure holding input
>fields scalar types             
>                        for (int i = 0; i < fields; i++) {      
>                                int assignment
>theJgapAPI.getMappingForCell(cell_number, i);
>                                DisplayRealType mapTo
>                                RealType mapFrom = (RealType)
>                                theMaps[i] = new ScalarMap(mapFrom, mapTo);
>        }
>                mySS.DisplayCells[width][height].setMaps(theMaps);
>        }
>Michelle Kam           (408) 742-2881
>Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
>B/153 O/L922 
>1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Curtis Rueden [mailto:curtis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 5:44 PM
>To: Kam, Michelle C
>Cc: visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: specifying fields from input file
>Hi Michelle,
>>I was actually trying to either find a data structure that held all the
>>input fields or create one myself. If I used the method you described below
>>of calling getData() and then getType() and then parsing that, I have to
>>iterate through all the fields for each field in the data file. From the
>>looks of setMaps(), it seems as if the structure "dr[]" that holds Data
>>objects is local to setMaps() and I can't access that from
>>when iterating through the array. Do you know if there is a similar global
>>structure? Also, is there a method in BasicSSCell called parse() because
>>not sure how you would parse() a MathType.
>MappingDialog extracts the ScalarTypes using visad.util.DataUtility's
>getScalarTypes() method (this method calls several other internal, recursive
>methods to which I alluded before). Check out the Javadoc on
>visad.util.DataUtility for more information on its usage.
>You should be able to getData() your data from the SSCell, then call
>DataUtility.getScalarTypes, passing in your data objects. 

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