Re: opening an .ss file

In case it's not clear, you still need to have the relevant
data objects at the proper location on your machine for the
spreadsheet files to work.  If the data file does not exist
at the proper path, you will receive "The source could not
be converted to VisAD data" error message.

If you have the data file, but at a different absolute path,
you can edit the spreadsheet file with a text editor and
change the paths to match yours, and it should work.


At 01:51 PM 7/3/2003, Don Murray wrote:
>Curtis Rueden wrote:
>>I do not receive that error message, but I am running into
>>a separate problem where the SpreadSheet locks up when
>>attempting to load the spreadsheet file, apparently due to
>>an issue with one of VisAD's file form adapters. I am
>>looking into the problem.
>For what it's worth, I do get the error:
>Invalid save string: the source could not be converted to VisAD data.
>when I try to open it from the Setup/Open spreadsheet file...
>menu.  I get the following printout:
>Warning: maps pair (row_col_Height_ndx, 0) has an invalid domain and will be 
>Warning: maps pair (U, 1) has an invalid domain and will be ignored
>Warning: maps pair (row_col_Height_ndx, 0) has an invalid domain and will be 
>Warning: maps pair (U, 1) has an invalid domain and will be ignored
>If I try to type it in from the entry box, I get:
>Unable to compute data object from "<filename">.  The source could
>not be converted to VisAD data.
>If I try to open it from the Import data.. menu, I get
>The source could not be converted to VisAD data.
>Michelle, given your error message, it sounds like you are trying to
>use the Import data... menu instead of the Setup menu.  Do you get
>and error opening your file with the Setup/Open spreadsheet file..
>Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
>dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
>(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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