RE: opening an .ss file

Hi Michelle,

A spreadsheet file represents an entire spreadsheet configuration.
You cannot open a spreadsheet file "in another cell."  Using the
new version of, please try running an unmodified
version of the SpreadSheet, loading your data, saving a spreadsheet
file using "Save spreadsheet file", quitting the SpreadSheet,
restarting the SpreadSheet, then loading the spreadsheet file using
"Open spreadsheet file." The interface should return to the way it
was before you quit the program. If does not do so within a few
seconds, or if it freezes, please go to the console, press
CTRL+Break (or CTRL+] on Unix) to obtain a stack dump and send me
the output, so that I can attempt to debug the problem.


At 06:10 PM 7/3/2003, Kam, Michelle C wrote:
>Hi Curtis,
>I replaced my old with yours and tried saving the mappings
>in a cell and then opening it up in another cell. I saved it to
>d:\visad\data\ and opened it up from there. I tried running the
>Visad spreadsheet right from the application but it froze up when I went to
>open my .ss file. Don, you're right, I was importing the file instead of
>opening it. But now even opening it, it freezes. I also tried running the
>version of with my modifications but that froze as well
>when I tried opening up a saved data file.
>Michelle Kam           (408) 742-2881
>Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
>B/153 O/L922 
>1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

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