Hi Michelle,
You *can* save the configuration of just one cell, using the
BasicSSCell.setSaveString() and BasicSSCell.getSaveString()
methods. It's just not built in to the GUI. But since you
are writing your own code anyway, you can utilize those
Looking at your output, I see that you are not using the new
version of BasicSSCell.java that I sent along. Recompile
BasicSSCell.java and try again, and the problem should be
fixed. Let me know if it's not.
At 06:54 PM 7/3/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Curtis,
>Here is the output of when the program freezes and I hit control break. It
>turns out that if it can't save the actual mappings in 1 cell and just save
>that cell alone, I don't need the capability of saving a whole spreadsheet
>file altogether. But here is the output anyway.
>Michelle Kam (408) 742-2881
>Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
>B/153 O/L922
>1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089