Re: .csv file


Thanks for sending the file. (BTW, there is an error on the first line -- there should not be a trailing comma -- but that was not related to the real problem. In addition, you don't need all the extra quote marks in the text parameters...I've attached an updated file that I used for testing.)

I've fixed the TextAdapter code for use with > 3 dimensions in the domain sampling set. I would like you to test this to make sure it meets your needs -- do you want the updated source code or a jar file?


p.s. The dumpTypes() from your 'ssInfo.csv' file (see attached, updated file) is:

>>> dumpTypes(a)
  Domain has 7 components:
   0. RealType: GPA
   0.   Name = GPA
   1. RealType: Distance
   1.   Name = Distance
   2. RealType: Phone
   2.   Name = Phone
   3. RealType: Shoesize
   3.   Name = Shoesize
   4. RealType: Year
   4.   Name = Year
   5. RealType: Xoffice
   5.   Name = Xoffice
   6. RealType: Yoffice
   6.   Name = Yoffice
    TupleType has 2 components:
     0. TextType: Firstname(Text)
     1. TextType: Lastname(Text)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DataType analysis...
  FieldImpl of length = 3
((GPA, Distance, Phone, Shoesize, Year, Xoffice, Yoffice) -> (Firstname(Text), Lastname(Text)))
  Domain has 7 components:
IrregularSet (GPA, Distance, Phone, Shoesize, Year, Xoffice, Yoffice) Length = 3
  first sample
    0. Tuple has 2 components:
    0.   0. Text: Michelle
    0.   1. Text: Kam

Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Phone/VoiceMail: 608.262.2759
(GPA, Distance, Phone, Shoesize, Year, Xoffice, Yoffice)->(Firstname(Text), 
GPA, Distance, Phone, Shoesize, Year, Xoffice, Yoffice, Firstname(Text), 
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