Hi VisAD experts,
first thanks for the fast reply to my last question about instantiating
VisAD and using the RealTypes. Now I've got another problem I couldn't
find anything about in the documentation:
I'm trying to draw several plots of different color in one display as
described in the tutorial section 2.8. This works fine, but I would like
to have all curves the same scaling on the y-axis. So I calculate the
maximum y value of all my three curves at the beginning and set then for
all three scalar maps the range, e.g. y1_map.setRange(0.0, max_y) with
y1_map as a ScalarMap. But this leads to that all three y-axis are drawn
on top of each other, including the labels. To have only one y-axis
wouldn't be too bad (actually it would be ok), but at least the three
labels with its three colors should be readable and distinguishable.
I couldn't find something like "setLabelStyle" or "setAxisStyle" in
GraphicsModeControl or DisplayImpl. So, can you help me again?
Thanks again,
Dipl.-Inform. Andre Skusa (PhD student)
NRW Graduate School in Bioinformatics and Genome Research
Center of Biotechnology (CeBiTec)
University of Bielefeld
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
home: http://www.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/~askusa
email: andre.skusa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx